Monday, July 6, 2009

End of the Year Party

For the end of the year party each year my class has a water party.  For the last two years we have gotten a water slide bouncer... so much fun.  Unfortunately, June Gloom was in full force this year so it was actually kind of cold on our party day.  The kids were a little shivery at times but we still managed to have tons of fun!!
Of course I had to go on the slide with the kids, it was cold!!!!

The kids were so funny to watch coming off the slide.  It really was a pretty steep slide, totally worth every penny!!


Anonymous said...

Brrrrr...looks cold BUT sooo much fun!!! Wish I would have taken a turn on that slide! :) wooo hoo! :)

Carrie Troyer said...

You're such a fun teacher. What a great idea!