Friday, October 16, 2009

The After Party

After all of the other girls had left Aunt Nancy, Uncle Jon and Heather's Josh all came over to check out the house. It was such a beautiful house that we couldn't let it go to waist. We had dinner together out on the beautiful patio.

The house had a lot of interesting details like this tiny little hallway. Pretty much anyone taller than me couldn't stand up straight in it as Ian is showing here. The door there leads down to the basement or as we called it the dungeon.

1 comment:

Emily Maurer said...

Ok...aren't you tired of brides, bridesmaids and weddings? It's time for you to be a mommy according to my calendar! Ha ha just kidding Heidi. Maybe it's a little bit of jealousy that you go and do all the fun crazy parties! You would be such a cute mom though! The wedding dress was for a photo shoot by Owen's aunt & Uncle. They're the ones who did our wedding and they were looking for new material for a contest. It was so much fun! Missed you in the blog world. Glad you're back.