Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Grade Quotes

I had a lot of fun teaching first grade this year. Ok, let me rephrase it was a lot of working teaching first grade this year and I am so glad it is summer vacation but the 6 year olds kept me laughing in the midst of all the craziness. Here of are some of my favorite quotes from the year.

The last thing one of my favorite 4th grade students told me last year before they left was "Watch out Mrs. Ambrose... We spill paste... first graders eat it!" -John
That was actually some of the truest advice I received about becoming a first grade teacher.

"Hello Mrs. Ambrose... I am Abraham" -Abraham This strong introduction was followed by a very formal bow.

"My favorite thing about chapel is singing and I really like the song "Go Tell it on the Mountain" you don't know it yet." -Hannah She read this to me from her journal one morning and because I was new to the school this year she believed that I wouldn't know the song.

Giovanni, why were you in the bathroom so long? "Teacher I've got diarrhea!" This was said in a very serious voice as if to say why else would I have been in there so long? He of course said it loud enough for the whole class to hear. I quickly learned that you don't ask first graders what they were doing in the bathroom unless you really want to know because they will tell you.

After falling onto the floor in the middle of class I ask "Abraham, how did this happen? Why are you on the floor?" "I don't know I was just sitting here and I magically fell on the floor." -Abraham

"I am unstoppably mad right now" -Alex

"Mrs. Ambrose loves my Ear Wiggles." -Abraham (I do he had the best earlobes!)

"If I had $100.00 I would buy a go-cart and if I had $5.00 left over I would buy a Slim Jim" -David

"Girls don't fart" -Mark "Yes we do!" -Bella

"Hey Bella is your Dad still in jewlery?" - Mark


USAFTA said...

Can you tell Mrs. Ambrose that my poop came out?

Anonymous said..., Todd beat me to it...I was just about to write, "What about when Giovanni told the secretary to tell you his poop did come out"...hahaha. Best Ever!

Anonymous said...

AWWW MAN...I think I am going to take a sabatical next year. might be getting some second graders thrown back into first grade in the afternoons. Not looking forward to poop and caca caterpillars! :)

supersean said...

I'll take your diarriha story and raise you a chocolate chip couchie !!!! Or better yet I'll raise you a " toyota plant"!!! It gets better in fifth grade!!!!!!!!!