Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to School

So, it's Sunday night and once again I have the Sunday night blues! School is off to a great start, it's just the getting up early part that bums me out! We have been back it school for a week and a half now, and I think it's going to be a great year! I only have 18 students which is a great number. It also makes a huge difference that this is my 3rd time teaching first grade. I finally feel some what relaxed and like I actually know what to expect. It's hard to believe that this is already my 4th year of teaching. Time goes by so fast!!! This group of kids is so cute, they are already cracking me up. One little boy named Russell, sooooo cute, keeps calling me beautiful. As he is leaving each day he says "Bye Beautiful!" Another little guy Ethan is new to are school and he is such a crack up because every thing he says he says with a look of serious concern on his face. He got an answer right the other day and I said "good job" to which he responded "well, my mom says I am genius and and well I am a genius!" He wasn't bragging, he was just explaining things to me. Kids are like sponges and they repeat everything they hear! Ok, well I have to get to bed now but I just wanted to say that I think this is going to be a great year!


The Paine Family said...

Your kidos sounds hilarious! Hope this school year is the best ever!

Anonymous said...

I know this is going to be a great year...because you are a wonderful, terrific, cute, adorable, fun, sweet, compassionate, loving, funny, crazy, stylish, awesome, thoughtful, caring, inspirational, godly, kind, fantastic teacher!!! :) :) :)

Monday mornings are much easier to handle when I can look across chapel and see you rockin out.
na na na na na na
na na na na na na

:) Always starts my week off with a smile and a laugh!!! :) :) :)

Love you friend and teacher neighbor!!! :) :) :)

BruceandBarbara said...

Glad you are back to the blogging world. I have missed you! Sounds like you are going to have a great school year. Keep telling us the funny kid stories. It makes me wonder what my kids said in school. When Chris was in kindergarten Bruce and I were discussing renewing our wedding vows. Well Chris must have heard our discussion because he went to his teacher and told her that his parents were going to get married! Kids say the darndest things!