Thursday, May 1, 2008

First Graders and Computers

This year our school has started the process of going to one on one laptops for all students. This year we have a cart of Macbooks that travels from classroom to classroom and next year the third-fifth grade classes will actually be one on one meaning each student in those grades will have a their own laptop to use in class all day everyday. It's pretty crazy. It has been a wild ride teaching computers to 6 and 7 year old kids. I thought it would be easier because kids these days are all pretty up with technology but these kids were really nervous. Some caught on really quick but others not so much. It's like starting from scratch, learning the very basics, how to log in and such. Things we all do but we don't remember learning. The last month has been amazing because the kids are finally "getting." It's really exciting. I am also feeling really proud of myself because I feel my computer knowledge and skills have really improved and I am pretty impressed with the things I can do now!

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