Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So I was driving away from school the other day and the lady in the car in front of me rolled down her window and tossed out her soda cup.  She just tossed it out the window.  I was honestly in shock... Really, people still throw trash out the window... Really???!!  What country is this?  I remember when I was driving around with my Costa Rican family while I was in Costa Rica and being in the same kind of shock when they tossed trash out the window, it just feels so wrong.  But that was in a different country where they hadn't exactly caught up to the US when it comes to recycling and not littering.  It was just so much more shocking to see someone deliberately littering in San Dimas.  I am pretty sure if you get caught littering it's like a $1,000 fine or something.  With all the talk about going "Green" it just really caught me off guard.  I am not the "Greenest" person by any means, there's a lot more I could be doing but littering... Really??  I just had no idea people still did that!  I mean really!!

Speaking of littering, Josh and I have been enjoying walking the dogs around our neighborhood lately and we always make sure to go prepared to pick up any doggie droppings our little friends might leave behind.  Picking it up and carrying it to the nearest trash is not my favorite task but I can not just leave it.  For one thing it's just not pleasant to be on a walk and have to walk past piles of doggie dodo, it's ugly, smelly and not fun to step in.  I don't want people leaving their dogs messes in my front yard so it's kind of golden rule kind of thing.  On our walks, we are just amazed at how many people don't pick up after their dogs.  In my opinion, you can actually tell how nice a neighborhood is by weather or not people clean up after their pets.  Another reason why I pick it up is because I am honestly worried that someone would see me leave it and like yell at me or something.  Well, on one of our resent walks we kept seeing these blue doggie dodo baggies that had been left behind.  Someone had actually take then time to go to the pet store, buy the special bags, walk their dog, scoop it up and tie the bag neatly but then left it on the sidewalk.  Really, you take the time to do all that, to scoop it up and tie it and then leave it on the ground. Really???!!!  I think that might actually be worse than not picking up the mess at all.  Now your leaving dog pooh as well as trash on the ground.  Oh, and it's not like there are no trash cans around... I mean Really!?!?!?!?!?!?

I know these things are kind of silly but you know how some things just bug... it feels good to vent!  Sometimes I want to be like my mom and write a letter to the editor but then I think who would appreciate my thoughts?  Hooray for blogs!! 

If you haven't seen "Really with Seth and Amy,"  (well now it's just  "Really with Seth") on SNL, you should.  It's one of my favorite segments of the show!  Really! : )


Bryon said...

Oh, I hear ya girl, preach it! If you leave a little doggie gift where someone else has to deal with it, you should have your lawn covered in it to see what it's like. icky.

That is the best bit that Seth and Amy did. My favorite was about the football player who got caught with his bag of green "medicine" at the airport. Brilliant!

Emily Valko Monroy said...

Blogs are the new "Letter to the Editor." Most newspapers are bankrupt or close. More people read stuff online than in print.

I hate littering. I find it so disrespectful and immature.

BruceandBarbara said...

If the lady in the car (throwing her cup out) was close enough I would have chased her down and thrown it back in her car. I'm getting SO Old and Grumpy!! I'm lucky with the doggy dooty cuz Bruce walks the dogs and takes care of that "stuff". I know what you mean....Really?